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Request a VRiMS Workshop for Your Event or Conference!

Are you a medical student and planning an event or conference and want to bring an exciting, immersive VRiMS workshop to your audience? We’re here to help!


Simply fill out this request form, and our team will work with you to arrange a VRiMS workshop or talk at your event. Please note that while we strive to accommodate all requests, availability of equipment and personnel may be limited, so submit your request early!


If you have any queries please email us:

Join the VRiMS Surgical Society Committee

Thank you for your interest in joining the VRiMS Surgical Society.

Short-term Objectives:
  • To establish a VR Surgical Student Society with representatives from universities.

  • To create an executive committee with different roles to oversee the society's activities.

  • To initiate VR events and workshops at universities to raise awareness and educate students.

  • To increase awareness to ER/VR/AR via mentorship schemes, teaching series, in-person workshops, conferences, talks and outreach events (internationally)

Long-term Objectives:
  • To promote the use of extended reality technologies in medical and surgical education.

  • To facilitate collaborative research on the benefits of extended reality in the medical field.

  • To help establish the implementation of ER/VR/AR into the curriculum of medical schools, within broader aims of technological literacy in healthcare


Key Benefits for Students Involved with VRiMS:
  • Exposure to state-of-the-art extended reality resources and training methods.

  • Opportunities to develop leadership skills within the VR Surgical Student Society.

  • Active participation in events and workshops to enhance their knowledge and skills.

  • Opportunities to get involved in research with aims of presenting and publishing.

  • Opportunities to assist main VRiMS team with international events.

  • Opportunity to gain experience in health and med tech through a national leadership role

Roles and Responsibilities for students involved:
  • Representatives from each university will be responsible for liaising with their respective institutions.

  • The executive committee will oversee society operations, event planning, and outreach.

  • Students will actively participate in VR events and workshops.

Become a University Representative


Please fill out the following form if you are interested in joining. Being a member of your universities Surgical society or MedTech society is preferred but not mandatory.​


VRiMS University Representative Application Form

VRiMS Surgical Society Committee

Meet the Team

Meet the team involved in rolling out VR surgical content to medical students across the UK.

©2024 by VRiMS. Company Number 14573800

Registered in the UK

47 Hassocks Road Hustpeirpoint BN69QL

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